All Nepal Peasant’s Federation (ANPFa) is an organized voice of Nepali Peasants. It is the leading umbrella organization of 22 Peasants’ Associations which are based on thematic productions, community and class. It is a membership based mass organization having its structure in all 7 provincial, 77 districts, 753 municipal level, ward level and production groups at village level. ANPFa has been fighting against feudalism, imperialism and neo-liberalism and also restlessly struggling for the agrarian reform and peasants rights since its establishment. ANPFa has been standing for the liberation of Peasants throughout the world engaging with different like minded regional and international networks & organizations.
ANPFa was formally established in the year 2007 BS/1951AD with the aim of ending the feudal autocratic system and liberating the peasants from the exploitation and oppression of the feudal system and mobilizing the peasants for the establishment of a democratic system. It has glorious history with the significant achievements in the area of agriculture and peasnatry.