The organizational structure of All Nepal Peasants’ Federation is as follows:

1. National Committee
2. Advisory Committee
3. commissions
5. departments
6. Subject farmers’ associations
7. Expert panel
8. Provincial committee
9. District Committee
10. Municipal committee
11. Ward committee
12. Product groups

All Nepal Peasant’s Federation (ANPFa) is an organized voice of Nepali Peasants. It is the leading umbrella organization of 22 Peasants’ Associations which are based on thematic productions, community and class. It is a membership based mass organization having its structure in all 7 provincial, 77 districts, 753 municipal level, ward level and production groups at village level. ANPFa has been fighting against feudalism, imperialism and neo-liberalism and also restlessly struggling for the agrarian reform and peasants rights since its establishment. ANPFa has been standing for the liberation of Peasants throughout the world engaging with different like minded regional and international networks & organizations. ANPFa was formally established in the year 2007 BS/1951AD with the aim of ending the feudal autocratic system and liberating the peasants from the exploitation and oppression of the feudal system and mobilizing the peasants for the establishment of a democratic system. It has glorious history with the significant achievements in the area of agriculture and peasnatry.

Its goal is to develop agriculture based on the ecological system and biological diversity in all rural areas based on the well-organized power of laboring farmers, ensuring the protection, development and utilization of agricultural land, making the rural areas production-oriented, and closing the gap between urban areas and rural areas by building all kinds of infrastructure. By fully mechanizing the agricultural business, developing the skilled labor force from the rural areas and transferring them to other sectors of the economy, ensuring education, health, balanced diet, comfortable housing, employment and entertainment, and ending all kinds of discrimination, building a society oriented towards socialism based on high level of culture, justice and equality. .

The guiding principles of the Peasants’ Federation are Marxism, Leninism, and People’s Multiparty Democracy. Its organizational principle is the principle of population centrality. The work of implementing the program of the Nepali Agricultural Revolution will be based on the above principles. The above theory will be studied, analyzed, and combined with Nepali characteristics. With the recognition of political independence and organizational autonomy, the federation is constantly taking pride.